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Time Just Flyin By!

Well Christmas came and went and the first month and a half of the year have blown by. The photograpy business was jammin through the month of Dec. and now a little down time with the wife and some much needed fresh air have been good for both of us. I have been having an odd first couple of months as I have been injured and my gym time has suffered and I am losing muscle mass at an extremely fast rate. This has been a frustrating process as I hurt my shoulder; back in July and fought it until January when I gave in and went to the doc. Well Mr 10 minutes of his time PHd. found an abundance of calcium deposits built up in my shoulder joint and upper tendon. He said I needed surgery and I told him to stick it and went to a physical therapist. I hope I can work through this and move forward without surgery. Anyways enough about that stuff, I have been moving forward on the clothing line and also working on the new calender project between my two companies Lemke Industries and A Lindahl Creations. Not to mention my current full time electrical gig for Intel. Hopefully this will get wrapped up mid year and on the market to be sold for the 2013 calander year. The wife and I have been looking for houses again lately and just put in an offer on 20 acres in the west hills. I cant wait to see if we get it! Tough decisions now as there are so many investment properties out there, but we want to find a place to call home for a while and rent out our current home. Hopefully it all works out. Well other than that I am training for a run coming up as my weight lifting is currently on hold for the time being due to the injured shoulder. Well other than some snowboarding and a wild weekend at the redlion with some old friends from the band funhouse we have just been laying low and working hard. Till next time drive fast, play hard, and keep it wheel side down!

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